Why Everybody Must Do To Quit Smoking ?

Quitting smoking isn't easy. You feel irritated, you tend to have withdrawal symptoms, and you constantly crave some nicotine - but remember that kicking the habit for good has numerous health benefits. We give you some tips on the prevention of smoking.

Remember that there's a concrete reason behind you wanting to quit. Are you concerned about your own health and the health of your family members? Concentrate on that one reason and let it boost your strength, self-confidence, and self-respect. You'll come closer to a healthier body. Control your tobacco cravings by doing something constructive. Read a book, or watch a documentary. Take some exercise - go jogging, go for a swim - anything works, really.

Avoid places where smoking is allowed - like bars and restaurants. Sit in the non-smoking section at restaurants, this will help you resist the urge to light up. Try chewing some celery or a cinnamon stick, if you miss having something in your mouth. Sometimes just fiddling with a toothpick can help. And if you miss having something to hold in your fingers, try a pencil or a pen, just to give yourself that feeling. Anything but a cigarette, right? You need to concentrate on the prevention of smoking.

Stay away from drinking alcohol, coffee and tea, as these are drinks associated with smoking. Eat frequent meals in small or in moderate quantities, which will maintain your blood sugar level throughout the day, you'll feel energetic and the craving to smoke will not bother you. Keep reminding yourself of the reason why you're trying for the prevention of smoking in the first place. Prevention of smoking can be done by soaking in a luxurious bubble bath when the cravings get strong. Remember why you are quitting in the first place, and promise yourself that you will not give into temptation. If you even so much as touch a cigarette after promising yourself that you will quit, your thoughts on the prevention of smoking will have gone down the drain. Call a friend if the cravings get uncontrollable, and keep all cigarettes and ash-trays safely hidden away.

Another good way to achieve the prevention of smoking is by avoiding triggers to smoke - like being in the company of smokers, or sitting in the smoking section at restaurants.

Use aids for the prevention of smoking, like nicotine lozenges, nicotine inhalers, nicotine patches, and Stop Smoking pills. Finally, follow the 3 Ds', when cravings hit: Do something else, Delay smoking / tobacco consumption, Deep Breathing. Every time is a good time for the prevention of smoking, so build up your grit and determination, and you won't go wrong! Besides, adult smokers reduce their average lifespan by 13 to 14 years. What more reason do you need?

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